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Catfield CE Primary Academy

Lions Class Blog

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  • We are scientists!

    Published 27/04/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    In our science learning this week the children of Lions' class have been looking at the structure of flowering plants. 

    The children used their creative skills in applying their knowledge to make and label their own models, demonstrating their understanding.

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  • We are architects

    Published 17/03/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    Today the children of Lions' class received a royal invitation to re-design London following the Great Fire of 1666.

    The children were able to recall key facts from the event and considered carefully what changes needed to be made to ensure further disasters were prevented.

    Our designs were created from building blocks and lego and labelled to identify what materials the buildings would be made from and which lost landmarks of London were being redesigned.

    Great work Lions, I am sure King Charles II would be extremely pleased with your designs. 


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  • World Book Day fun

    Published 02/03/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    The children of Lions' Class enjoyed celebrating World Book Day on Wednesday. We invited our families to spend the morning with us and join in with activities linked to 'Owl Babies'.

    The children made origami owl bookmarks, applied their learning from this terms' art to creating owl biscuits and created stick puppets to help them retell our story.

    Later in the day we made owl life cycle booklets, completed a comprehension quiz, followed a how to draw an owl video and also made owl masks. We ended our day enjoying our biscuits while listening to one of Mrs Gilbert's other favourite books, 'Peace at Last'.

    The children were each gifted a book from the Children's Book Centre along with their book tokens. 

    Such a busy day but lots of fun was had by all!



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  • We are cricketers

    Published 26/02/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    The children of Lions' Class were fortunate to participate in a cricket engagement session on Friday morning. They practised their coordination skills and throwing and catching with their partners before putting their cricket skills into action.

    Mrs Gilbert was very proud of the team work and positive attitudes of everyone during the activity. It was evident that the children thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity they were given.

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  • An exciting village walk

    Published 26/02/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    While out on a village walk to identify structures as part of our DT learning, the children were excited to see a fleet of lorries collecting sugar beet from the local farm. 

    We counted 11 different lorries who, fortunately for us, had taken the wrong turning and had to go past us twice. The lorry drivers were kind enough to sound their horns and flash their lights as they drove past the children waving and cheering them on their journey through the back roads of Catfield.

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  • When RE met maths

    Published 26/02/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    Within our RE learning this week the children have considered the symbols of Easter and their importance to Christians. As part of this the children looked at different food items that are familiar to us at this time of year.

    We were then able to make excellent use of the hot cross buns and linked them to our learning of fractions in maths. The children were tasked with sharing their hot cross buns between four friends in their lesson focused on finding quarters of a shape. 

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  • We are sculptors

    Published 10/02/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    Within our art learning this term, the children of Lion's class have taken inspiration from the artist Gary Hodges to create their dragon eye sculptures.

    The children have been practising their sculpting, marking and joining techniques when developing their creations.

    The children were provided with primary colours with which to paint their sculptures and tasked with colour mixing to develop their designs.

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  • We are scientists

    Published 03/02/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    The children of Lions' Class were asked the big question 'Do all animals eat the same food?', in their science learning this week.

    We considered the question and made predictions based upon our prior knowledge and learning. The children decided that the best way to identify what an animal had eaten would be to examine its poo. The children donned suitable PPE in readiness for identifying the contents of three different 'poos'.

    From their findings the children were able to conclude that all animals do not eat the same as each of the 'poos' examined contained different items which included bones, worms, grass and leaves.



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  • RSE

    Published 06/01/23, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    This week the children have been considering differences and similarities between ourselves and others.

    The children were given the opportunity to reflect upon the physical attributes of a variety of characters before thinking about the similarities and differences of our own likes and dislikes. 

    It allowed for fabulous discussion between the children, and we are excited to learn more about this topic in our RSE learning next week.

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  • Exploring sukkot

    Published 02/11/22, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    Within our study of religious celebrations this term, the children of Lions' class have been exploring the Jewish festival of Sukkot.

    The children were tasked with designing and creating a Sukkah. They had to consider all the various elements which needed to be included and the relevance that each of these have for Jewish people.

    The children worked in small groups to construct their Sukkahs. Mrs Gilbert was very proud of the fabulous teamwork the children displayed and the excellent communication they used to negotiate their tasks.

    Well done Lions' class

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  • We are artists

    Published 04/10/22, by Sarah-Jane Gilbert

    The children have been exploring colour mixing within their art work. They have been able to name and identify the three primary colours and the secondary colours that can be created when these are mixed together. The children had lots of fun watching the colours magically change as they stirred their paints together!

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Catfield Church of England Primary School, School Road, Catfield, Norfolk, NR29 5DA.

01692 580568