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Cubs and Tigers Class Blog

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  • Kings Coronation

    Published 09/05/23, by Lucy Amis

    We had a wonderful day celebrating the Kings Coronation. We began by sharing a story all about King Charles, followed by craft activities with the Lions. We made crowns, flags and decorated crown biscuits. At lunch time we had a fabulous tea party with all of our friends and then shared our learning with our families at the end of the day! 

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  • Farm Trip

    Published 20/03/23, by Lucy Amis

    We had a wonderful trip to Hall Farm. We learnt lots about the animals on the farm, how to care for them, what they provide for us, the crops the farmer grows, how to make food for the chickens, how to tell if the soil is good for growing crops, honey tasting and a tractor trailer ride! With thanks to The Country Trust for providing us with this opportunity and funding to make this trip a possibility. 

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  • World Book Day

    Published 01/03/23, by Lucy Amis

    We have had a fantastic World Book Day! We have enjoyed sharing lots of stories and making lots of crafts based on one of our favourite stories.. Superworm! Check out our amazing costumes! 

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  • Kandinsky

    Published 02/02/23, by Lucy Amis

    This week we have been looking at Wassily Kandinsky. We talked about his art work, looked at the colours and shapes he uses and then were inspired to create our own pieces!

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  • Chinese New Year

    Published 19/01/23, by Lucy Amis

    This week we have been learning all about the celebration Chinese New Year. We have talked about the preparations they make for the celebration, made cards, dragons, watched lion dances and painted some cherry blossom trees. 

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  • On The Bus!

    Published 10/01/23, by Lucy Amis

    We have been enjoying our new topic 'Ticket to Ride' and particularly enjoying role playing on our very own bus! We have been talking about tickets, how to fix the bus, where we can go and how we sit safely on the bus. 

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  • Tell Me A Story...

    Published 22/11/22, by Lucy Amis

    We have been loving our 'Tell me a story' topic this half-term. Our interests have taken us to Castles, and we have been role-playing being knights and dragons, making up our own stories as we play. We have also been really enjoying making biscuits with the play dough, so we wrote a shopping list for Miss Amis to get us some real ingredients for some real biscuits. We loved baking them, they smelt delicious! 

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  • Diwali

    Published 03/11/22, by Lucy Amis

    Tigers and Cubs have been celebrating Diwali this week. We have been learning about what happens during Diwali. We have looked at rangoli patterns, making Diva lamps and acting out the story of Rama and Sita.  

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  • Pumpkins!

    Published 13/10/22, by Lucy Amis

    Tigers and Cubs have been pumpkin mad this week! We have been exploring the insides of pumpkins, looking at the seeds and what would happen if we planted them. We have been using our fine motor skills to pick out seeds. We have also been busy making pumpkin soup. We had to carefully peel and chop the pumpkin before cooking and blending it. We enjoyed it with some yummy bread that we could dip in our soup. 

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  • Special Visitor

    Published 06/10/22, by Lucy Amis

    Last week we had a very special visitor! PC Matt came to talk to us about what it is like to be a Police Officer. We have been super interested in learning about people who help us. PC Matt talked to us about his uniform, what he has to do and we even got to see the flashing lights and noisy sirens on the car! 

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Catfield Church of England Primary School, School Road, Catfield, Norfolk, NR29 5DA.

01692 580568